Firehooks Unlimited Forcible Entry
Dynamic Duo

The ultimate firefighter forcible entry tool set. The standard set includes the Maxximus forcible entry tool and the Lock Slot 8lb Force Axe (Part: DYN-DUO). You may order it with the Maxxius Rex (Part: DYN-DUO-REX) or the Maxximus Mod (DYN-DUO-MOD). The marrying slot locks the Maximus to the Axe for easy one hand carrying - no straps required. Tap the handle on any surface for quick release.
Maxximus Rex

The MAXXIMUS is the next generation of Forcible Entry Bars. It is the ultimate Halligan Bar and is lighter than the Pro-Bar. The Maxximus has a unique T.P.R. grip for a sturdy handle while using this tool. Other features include a depth gauges on the Adz and the Fork eliminate guess work.