Demers’ Type III ambulances come from the factory preloaded with features. Because all our designs are tested to the highest industry standards, you can be sure your EMS Specialists can care for their patients in the most high-tech, ergonomic and safest Type III ambulance on the market.
You’ll also be driving more dollars to your bottom line because Demers’ Type III ambulances lead their category for total cost of ownership. Top quality that’s also good for your bottom line: What more could you ask for?
MX 164 ambulances are the workhorse and overall best-selling Type III ambulance. With thousands of units in service around the world, this design offers best-in-class safety, ergonomics and reduced maintenance. While they do come feature rich from the get-go, they also offer numerous optional layouts to provide you with even more choices. Offering the industry-leading mobility track seat as an option on the MX 164, it truly is one of a kind.
The MX 170 is the state-of-the-art, full-size Type III ambulance, offering a roomy interior for extensive medical equipment and an optimal ergonomic work environment for EMS specialists. Tested to global standards, this ambulance is built with unique features such as full-length, all-aluminum extruded door construction for maximum storage access without compromising structural integrity. Offered with the industry-leading mobility track seat as an option, the MX 170 is the leader in its category.