Municipal Tractor MT7 from Trackless Vehicles
The Municipal Tractor MT7 from Trackless Vehicles is economy and versatility in one. The articulated, four-wheel-drive machine is a powerful, dependable, user-friendly sidewalk tractor. The Municipal Tractor MT7 can be adapted for use all 12 months of the year with interchangeable front-mounted attachments. Municipalities choose these well-established, reliable machines to efficiently serve their communities while managing costs.
The Trackless MT7, when equipped with a variety of attachments, can be put to work every day of the year.
Plow Attachments
Angle Snow Plows
The most cost-efficient snow moving attachment you can mount on your Trackless MT. Nothing beats the performance and durability of a straight blade.
Fix-Wing V-Plow
For when you need to clear snow from sidewalks in a hurry: the V-Plow has excellent snow rolling and throwing action that cuts effortlessly through light or drifting snow.
5-Position Folding V-Plow
Build flexibility into your sidewalk program. This plow gives you the ability to select a straight blade, V-Plow, scoop plow or anything in between.
Snow Blowing Attachments
Ribbon Snow Blowers
The snow blower that outperforms all others in heavy wet snow. Extremely aggressive when cutting into large, frozen banks. Available widths: 51", 60" and 75".
Twin Auger Snow Blowers
The go-to attachment for serious snow removal. Twin augers are capable of clearing heavy snow over 5’ deep. Chute configurations: 51", 60", 70" and 80".
Snoquip Snow Blower
Great for wider-width pedestrian areas. Two-stage helical ribbon blower designed for mega power. Cutting width: 51" or 60" and up to 39".
Ice Control Attachments
Brine/Liquid Sprayers
Anti-icing/de-icing spray systems designed for liquid salt brine applications. Several configurations and water tank capacities available.
Dump Body
The dump body allows the operator to refill the rear spreader by hydraulically raising the dump body. Spend less time refilling and use for cargo in the offseason.
Rear-Mount Spreader
Engineered for even, economical sidewalk applications of salt and sand. With sidewalk-specific 41″ spread, it's designed to avoid excess waste and turf damage.
Ice Breaker
Prevention of potential slip and falls is a major concern for all municipalities. The Ice-Breaker is designed to pulverize ice as well as a hard pack snow base that can build up over time.
Tow-Behind Spreader
High capacity spreader with a 1- yd. capacity and spread distance of up to 14 miles. It is hydraulically driven and controlled by an in-cab joystick.
Mowing and Landscaping Attachments
Boom Flail Mower
Clear areas that are difficult or unsafe to mow: ditches, steep inclines, guard rails, and water edges. The ideal attachment for everything from tall grass to tree limbs.
Front Flail Mower
Cut heavier grass, weeds, and light brush where normal rotary lawn mowers can’t cope. Enclosed mower and safety skirts keep debris within the cutting chamber.
Rotary Finishing Mowers
Front-mount grooming mowers perfectly suited for grounds maintenance, parks, right of way mowing, municipal jobs or any other wide area green space. Widths: 6', 10' and 14'.
Want to build a healthy green space? An Aerator will help the soil beneath the grass to achieve your goal. It removes up to 3" plugs to build a healthy green space.
Spraying Systems
Water tanks and pump kits add a convenient, portable water supply that can be utilized for a number of applications. Several options available.
Watering Arm
NEW: The Watering Arm is designed primarily for watering hanging plants but can also be used to water flower beds in remote locations.
Sweeping and Debris Clearing Attachments
Pickup Sweeper
Simple clean up: Sweep up sand, leaves and debris. Empty the hopper with a hydraulically controlled bottom gate.
Power Angle Sweepers
Sweep sand, gravel or other debris from sidewalks, lots, intersections or other confined areas. Available in several sizes. Add a water sprayer kit add-on for dust suppression.
Front-End Loader
Before purchasing a skid steer loader, consider the benefits and cost-savings of being able to mount our loader on a more versatile unit. Designed for standard grounds work.
Leaf Loader
An efficient, front-mounted leaf loading attachment that picks up curbside leaves and debris, then mulches and blows into a truck for transport.
Debris Blower
A turbine blower ideal for leaf and debris cleanup in parks, cemeteries, trails and other confined areas. Plus customizable nozzle options.
Stump Grinder
24" rotor with bolt-on carbide teeth. Powered from the tractor's hydraulic system. Front mounted with precise lowering, tilting, or maneuvering movements.
Concrete and Asphalt Attachments
Cold Planer
Reduce trip hazards by repairing asphalt and concrete surface damages. Trip-hazard milling is cleaner, faster and cost-effective.
Infrared Asphalt Heater
Front-mounted design provides safe, even controlled heat which will soften the existing asphalt without burning. Produces a rake-ready surface in 15 minutes.
Line and Stencil Painter
Keep surface markings visible and paint updated. Kit includes attachments for both straight line painting and stencil painting.
Contact Bell Equipment, trusted Trackless Vehicles dealer and service center in Michigan and Ohio, to discuss the versatile equipment MT7 and how it can work for your municipality.